Elizabeth Olmos Martínez

Elizabeth Olmos Martinez

E-mail: eolmos@uabcs.mx

Elizabeth Olmos Martínez is Doctor of Science in Use, Management and Conservation of Natural Resources by the Center for Biological Research of the Northwest, SC. She completed a postdoctoral stay at the CICIMAR-IPN in the Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology. She has been honored as a Candidate in the National Researchers System level I. Currently part of the Thematic Network on line CONACYT of Sustainable Development Research. She is the author of 10 original research articles. She has published 2 books and 14 book chapters. She has participated in five research projects related to protected areas, sustainable development, tourism and fisheries. She has participated in the tutorial committee of 10 undergraduate and graduate students. She is currently doing postdoctoral studies at the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur with a proposed protected areas.


Head Photographies: Daniel Torres-Orozco Jiménez

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